

With love, it’s all love

2 min read

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time enjoying the new levels of peace that I’ve experienced in life lately. But when things are peaceful, there will always be a small space where chaos is trying to make a way to break up the party.

So, it’s about time to make some new boundaries, and maybe others can share their non-negotiable boundaries that I can incorporate as well. So here’s a list of things I’ll be doing.

1. If we are at dinner or somewhere private and you pull out your phone as I’m talking or we are conversing (not being present or providing undivided attention) I will either not hang with you again or return the energy. If watching people on social media that are not with you is more important than being present and communicating with me and enjoying the time that I am offering then I will no longer offer the time. 

2. If I tell you that how you are talking to me or how you refer to me is offensive and you continue to do that I will no longer provide respect and I will send you back in the nastiest way possible.

3. If I am dependable for you and I never drop the ball but you can never be depended on by me I will completely cut you out of my life.

4. If I want to do something and it is out of your budget, then it is out of your budget. I am no longer offering my wallet or my money to pay for things for other people.

5. If in order to hang out we always have to be doing something, or going somewhere, I will not be hanging out with you.

6. If I make reservations or we are scheduled to meet at a certain time and you are perpetually and consistently late I will never meet up with you again.

7. If you aren’t emotionally available for me—please believe the door is closed. 

What other boundaries should I include in order to maximize the peace I feel? Let me know below.

Alicia Renee

Alicia Renee is a free-spirited creative, who lives for introspective deep dives. She's based in California, and is currently chronicling life, adventures & thoughts.

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