Well first, let’s start with a happy new year (for those who celebrate), and for those who don’t believe, well.. Happy 2025!
Before we dive in, let me set the scene: this blog is going to give you the unfiltered truth. Since this is a new thing I’m testing out, I’ll play around with format but ultimately a few things are gonna always be true… I’m gonna give you the no-holds-barred truth. Sometimes it wont be nice, and all times it will be blunt. Now, let’s get to it.

Let’s get honest about goal-setting. Most people don’t fail their resolutions because they’re lazy – they fail because they’re chasing the wrong goals. First off, stop lying to yourself. You don’t actually want to lose weight – you just want to stop feeling like trash when you try on your jeans. Half of y’all are out here setting goals to impress people you don’t even like. Your Instagram followers don’t care about your “fitness journey,” and that green smoothie pic isn’t fooling anyone.
Let’s talk about these delusional “Vegas goals” you keep setting. You want a promotion? A six-figure salary? A whole new body? To do more in a day? Please. You can barely get to work on time or meal prep for three days straight. You’re out here dreaming about being CEO or to own your own business when you still can’t manage your inbox, and you have horrible people skills. Make it make sense.
Here’s the truth that nobody wants to hear: You’re not failing because the goals are too hard. You’re failing because you’re lazy and won’t admit it.
Yeah, I said it. You want the results without the work. You want the dream body but won’t skip happy hour. You want financial freedom but still eat out every meal, won’t stop buying shit you don’t need & have streaming subscriptions you barely use.
Let me ask you this – why are you setting goals to impress others? Since finances and body image are typically the top two things people go after in the new year, I’ll use them as an example.
Lets break down why you’re actually messing up:
You’re a follower
Your friend starts a fad diet & weight loss teas plus random weight lifting and suddenly you’re all about eating healthy & lifting… Meanwhile, you couldn’t even stick with walking around your block daily. Stop copying other people’s dreams just because they look “cool” on social media. Do you actually want to lose weight, or do you just want to feel more confident in your clothes? We have this bad habit of setting goals to please others or get their approval. Stop that. Your resolutions need to be about YOU and what YOU genuinely want.
You’re delusional about money
You say you want to save money but won’t get a second job because it’s “beneath you”? News flash: your pride is keeping you financially unstable. You’re out here acting bougie on a budget, buying designer when your bills are starting to pile up. The math ain’t mathing. Get serious about a budget, finances and security. You need to sit down and look at your bank statements. All of it. Those $15 purchases add up, and that “self-care” is really self-sabotage. Can’t save money? But got money for nails, hair, brunch, and new clothes you don’t need? Make it make sense. Get real with your goals. Let’s quit it with what I call the “Vegas goals” – those flashy, oversized dreams that look good on paper. You say you want to “earn more money,” but what you really need might be “earn enough to cover my bills plus $500 monthly for savings and fun.” Specific beats vague every time.
Success isn’t comfortable. You want change but won’t be uncomfortable for even a month to get it. You’re scrolling through motivation quotes but won’t actually motivate yourself. You’re waiting for someone to save you, validate you, or give you permission. News flash: nobody’s coming.
Want real change? Here’s what you need to do:
- Stop lying to yourself about what you actually want
- Quit trying to impress people who don’t pay your bills
- Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
- Stop making excuses and start making moves
- Cut up them credit cards if you can’t control yourself
- Actually read your bank statement (all of it, cringe and all)
Before you write down any resolutions, ask yourself:
- How do I want to feel by the end of 2025?
- What worked and didn’t work last year?
- Am I willing to make temporary sacrifices for lasting change?
- Is this goal truly mine or am I trying to impress others?
Bottom line: Either you want it, or you don’t. These half-hearted attempts and pity parties aren’t cutting it. You’re grown. Act like it.
2025 is your year to either step up or shut up. No more excuses. No more “trying.” No more BS. You want different results? Do different things. Simple as that.
Don’t like what I’m saying? Good. The truth hurts. But you know what hurts more? December 2025 rolling around and you’re in the exact same spot, making the exact same excuses. Make 2025 your year to level up.
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